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The Mallika mango is a truly unique variety that offers distinct characteristics setting it apart from other mango varieties.


Appearance: It is a oblong flattened fruit ranges from medium to large size. The skin of the Mallika mango is dark green, smooth and slightly thick.


Texture: smooth and firm.


Color: when fully ripe, the flesh of the Mallika mango is a rich, deep orange color.


Aroma: the fruit exudes a tropical fragrance that is often described as a combination of melon, honey and citrus notes.


Flavor: Exceptionally sweet with notes of citrus, honey and melon.


Ripening: When ripe skin develops canary yellow to slightly orange color, flesh is deep orange, fruit becomes highly aromati. For ripening fruit should be wrapped in paper or kept in a box at room temperature.


Origin: he Mallika mango is a result of a successful hybridization process. It is a cross between the Neelum and Dasheri mango varieties, combining the best traits of both parent mangoes.

Mallika Mango

PriceFrom $49.99
  • Regular Box

    ~6  Lbs (6-8 mangoes depending on weight/size)


  • Large Box

    10-11 Lbs (10-12 mangoes depending on weight/size)

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